Predictive maintenance is a technique that uses facts breakdown tools and practises to detect anomalies in your operations and potential failures in equipment and processes so you can fix them before they cause an outage.

Ideally, preventive maintenance allows for the lowest maintenance frequency possible to avoid unplanned reactive maintenance without incurring the cost of excessive preventive maintenance.

How Fixes Predictive Maintenance Work?

Predictive maintenance uses real-time and past data from different parts of your operation to anticipate problems before they occur. There are three main areas of your business that fuel predictive maintenance:

Real-time monitoring of asset health and performance

Work Order Data Analysis

Benchmarking MRO Inventory Usage

Start benchmarking your MRO list with this cycle count pattern

There are several key essentials to predictive maintenance, with technology and software among these critical components. Specifically, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, and embedded systems enable different assets and systems to connect, collaborate, and share, analyze, and process data.

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These tools collect information using predictive maintenances sensors, industrial controls, and business systems (such as EAM software and ERP software). You then make sense of it and use it to identify areas that need attention. Some examples of the use of predictive maintenance and predictive maintenances sensors are vibration analysis, oil analysis, thermal imaging, and asset monitoring. Visit our condition-based maintenance page for more information on these methods.

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Choosing the correct technique for performing condition nursing is an important consideration that is best done in consultation with equipment manufacturers and disorder monitoring professionals.

Benefits Of Predictive Maintenance

When predictive maintenances works effectively as a maintenances strategy, maintenance is only perform on machines when need. That is, just before a failure is likely to occur. This brings several cost savings:

Minimize the time spent on equipment maintenance.

Minimize production hours lost due to maintenance

Minimalize the cost of spare parts and consumables

Predictives maintenance programs have been shown to result in a tenfold increase in ROI, a 25 to 30 percent reduction in maintenance costs, a 70 to 75 percent reduction in downtime, and a 35 to 45 percent discount in downtime.

However, these cost savings come at a price. Some condition monitoring techniques are expensive and require specialized and experienced personnel for effective data analysis.

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