Business is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. Firstly, you need to find a super idea, secondly, you need to bring it to life, and thirdly, you need to always stay afloat. But how to do all this? Books can help.  Some experts believe that reading such manuals is bad for your creativity. But still, the experience of those who have already had time to familiarize themselves with them proves the opposite.

“Weird Ideas That Work: How to Build a Creative Company” by Robert Sutton

The book will help you make your business successful by using unconventional ways of solving problems. Bestselling author Robert Sutton believes that  if you follow the long outdated rules of company management, your  business will never be successful. Sutton outlines in his book unusual ideas that will allow you to find ways to develop business and make the company thrive.

“The Project50, Or, Fifty Ways to Transform Every Task Into a Project that Matters!” by Thomas Peters

Written by Thomas Peters, who in the world of business is the most real master of effective management. This is a practical manual for those who consider their work boring and unpromising. The author offers 50 ready-made ideas that will allow any most trivial work task to turn into a unique, interesting, and successful project. Thomas Peters is a charismatic and incredibly intelligent person who thinks outside the box.

By following his simple advice, you will be able to brilliantly cope with any tasks and solve problems, as well as learn something new about business. This book is written in clear and simple language and a must-have book for beginners. If you aren’t in the mood for complicated business and marketing strategies and would rather prefer something entertaining like online sic bo or “Game of Thrones”, buy this book. It will provide you with a stress-free reading experience.

“Jump Over Your Head” by Paul Arden

This manual is one of the most effective for those who have lost faith in their creativity. It will help to get a charge of confidence in their abilities and will give an impetus to new accomplishments. The author is convinced that you need to rely on your imagination, you should use other people’s experiences, and not succumb to the apparent pathos of authorities in the professional sphere.

“Unlabel: Selling You Without Selling Out” by Marc Ecko

Marc Ecko is a businessman and fashion designer who started his business by selling t-shirts. He went from a small businessman to the owner of Complex Media, a major supplier to the fashion and entertainment industry. Based on his own experience, he shares his knowledge on how to create a recognizable brand and  how to get rid of the public’s bias regarding the brand.

“Why HOW We Do Anything Means Everything” by Dov Seidman

The author of the book believes that the key to the company’s success lies in customer relationships. Success in today’s world is largely determined by the culture of behavior, values, life principles, and attitudes.

It is important to do things not only correctly, but also in such a way that everyone is satisfied and a good impression of cooperation is formed. This is what will allow you to build long-term relationships and carve out a niche for yourself in the market.

“Guerrilla Marketing” by Jay Conrad Levinson

Do you want to know what motivates people to buy things and how to maximize profits by saving your budget? Then this book should appear in your library. The author will tell you how to create a unique message that will cause customers to  purchase your product or service.

“Great by Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck—Why Some Thrive Despite Them” by Jim Collins, Morten Hansen

The authors find out why some companies survive even in the harshest and most unfavorable conditions, while others perish. Jim Collins and Morten Hansen conducted research for 9 years to identify the basic principles of creating a successful company in the unpredictable conditions of the modern world.

It turns out that the best leaders do not take risks and are characterized by discipline. Innovation must be learned to be effectively managed, and lightning-fast reactions and quick problem-solving can lead to collapse. The book is intended for managers and business people who plan to build a successful firm and grow it in a volatile environment.