SEO audit identifies issues or errors that may prevent your website from ranking on Google and other search engines. An SEO audit contains of several parts, including:

Make sure Google crawls, indexes and renders your website correctly

Check your website for on-page SEO issues

Examine your off-page SEO for potential issues on other people’s sites that relate to or link to your site

Verify that your website offers a good user experience (for both mobile and desktop users)

Keyword optimization of your content

Comb your site for duplicate or sparse content

Set up and maintain comprehensive reports to track your website’s performance.

Why Are SEO Audits Important?

SEO audits are crucial in helping your website and business avoid:

Loss of organic traffic due to website health issues

Loss of sales opportunity or loss of competitive advantage over other brands

If your site is not indexed correctly (meaning search engines can’t find it)

Google could penalize toxic backlinks

In short, reviewing your website can uncover issues costing you traffic and sales.

Types Of SEO Audits

If you have a large website, you must prioritise the different types of SEO audits or target your SEO audit in different areas.

SEO Content Audit

This refers to identifying ways to improve the accuracy, freshness, and quality of content on pages where you want to increase traffic or improve rankings. Google E-A-T is your guide here. We’ll talk more about upgrading and upgrading content later in this post. This review may include identifying optimization opportunities for the Featured Snippet, People Also Ask, and passage ranking.

On-Page SEO Audit

This type of SEO refers to ensuring that a page’s back-end elements are optimised for search crawlers. An on-page SEO audit would include checking meta descriptions, meta titles, alt text and image compression, and more.

Off Page SEO

An off-page SEO audit would involve looking at other sites and domains that link to the sites you want to improve, which can affect the quantity, quality, distribution, and timeliness of those links.

SEO Technical Audit

This type of SEO audist includes on-page efforts, such as image optimization, but is primarily related to performance metrics, such as website speed and security. A technical SEO audit identifies opportunities to fix, remove or reorganize code, prevent spam, switch from HTTP to HTTPS, and more.

Local SEO Audit

Local SEO is a set of practices that help your business rank in local searches. A local SEO audit will be a bit smaller, but will still include elements from each of the previous audits in terms of listings (off page), content (locally targeted pages and posts), on page (keyword insertion and orientation) and include technical aspects (speed and security of the site).

SEO Audit Tools

To perform the SEO audits that we cover in this guide, you’ll need a few tools. These include:

SEO Software: Any SEO software worth using. Your website. Ahrefs, Moz Pro, and SEMrush all have a website audit or crawler tool that you can use to track your website and identify the overall search health and common inefficiencies that degrade the organic performance of your site. They are also full of keyword research tools, backlink profiling tools, etc. I recommend getting at least a free trial of any of these tools before attempting a full SEO audit of your website.

Google Search Console – There are many ways to use Google Search Console (formerly Webmaster Tools) for SEO audits related to keywords, organic CTR, technical fixes, vital web core data, and reindex submission pages that, like result, it is reindexing. have optimized your exam.

Google Analytics – The goal of an SEO audit is to improve traffic to your website and therefore you need Google Analytics to measure the impact of your actions. This will also help you prioritize your action items based on which pages receive the most traffic .