Reis Için Ben De Varı – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan established a new website for the 2023 presidential elections. It is named Reis Için Ben De Varı, which means ” I’m Here for the “. It is the main platform of Erdogan’s election campaign. On the site’s home page are Erdoğan’s portrait and the slogan “I am here for the Chief”. At the bottom of the page, we see all the data about Erdoğan’s election promises and campaign activities. The site is essential to Erdogan’s election campaign’s digital strategy. The site is estimated to be used to reach Erdoğan’s voters and also spread campaign messages.

What Is The Website Called “Reis Için Ben De Varı”?

What Is The Website Called “Reis Için Ben De Varı”_

It is not a non-governmental organization or an official platform formed by those who support the leaders. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully evaluate the detailed information about the site and its reliability. Additionally, you are encouraged to share your ideas and opinions on political issues using constructive and respectful language. The phrase “Reis Için Ben De Varı” expresses support used in connection with political leaders or parties in Turkey. The word ” Reis Için Ben De Varı ” emerged as a slogan used by those who support President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Turkey.

Reis Için Ben De Varı is a platform where people who use this expression come together. If you are wondering how to do I Am Here for the Chief, you can visit our article. People who support their leader, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, come together on the site. An environment is provided where people can exchange ideas, discuss political issues, and support their leaders. The site also functions as a social network where those who support their leaders can communicate with each other, organize, and raise awareness.

Features Of The Reis Için Ben De Varı

Reis Için Ben De Varı site is the leading platform for Erdoğan’s campaign, and its following features are:

1. Extensive use of Erdoğan’s Image And The Slogan “I’m here for Reis”

This repetition creates a strong association between Erdoğan and also, the website and reinforces the message that Erdoğan is the only candidate to lead Turkey forward. The use of Erdoğan’s image is particularly prominent on the homepage of the website. The homepage features a large portrait of Erdoğan and a banner with the slogan ” Reis Için Ben De Varı” The motto is also used throughout the website, including in the navigation menu, the footer, and individual pages for each of Erdoğan’s campaign promises.

2. Focus on Erdoğan’s Election Promises

The website features a dedicated page for each of Erdoğan’s election promises. On each page, visitors can learn more about the policies Erdoğan plans to implement if re-elected. The website also includes videos and images of Erdoğan discussing his campaign promises. The focus on Erdoğan’s election promises is designed to show voters that Erdoğan has a clear plan for Turkey’s future and is serious about addressing their concerns. The website also allows voters to compare Erdoğan’s promises to the promises of the other candidates in the election.

3. Social Media Integration

They integrate with social media networks like Twitter and Facebook. This integration lets visitors easily share website content with their family, friends, and also, followers. It helps to increase the reach of Erdoğan’s campaign message and to connect with new voters. They also encourage voters to engage with Erdoğan’s campaign. Visitors to the website can comment on and share articles, videos, and images about Erdoğan and also,  join his campaign group.

How To Login Reis Için Ben De Varı Website

How To Login Reis Için Ben De Varı Website


Here, we see steps on how you can log in to the Reis For Me De Varım Com site;

Step 1: Access the Site: To access the Reis For Me Too Varim Com site, you first need to open your internet browser. You can access the site by typing “” in your browser’s address bar.

Step 2: Signing Up: Click the “Register” box in the upper right corner to register on the site. After filling in the information requested from you correctly and entirely on the open page, click on the “Register” button.

Step 3: Sign In: Now, you can log in to your registered account by clicking the “Log In” option on the home page. You must enter your username and also, password on the open page and click the “Log In” button.

Step 4: Browsing the Site: After logging in to your account, you can browse the Reis For Me De Varım Com site. You can choose what you want among the site’s many categories and content.

Step 5: Sharing Content: You can also share your content on the I’m There for the Reis Com site. You can generate new content by clicking your account’s “Share” button.

Step 6: Returning to the Site: After you finish using the site, you can terminate your access to the site by logging out of your account. Thus, to do this you need to click on your profile picture on the home page and select the “Log Out” option from the menu that opens.

Reactions of Of The Reis Için Ben De Varı

Reactions of Of The Reis Için Ben De Varı

The website ” Reis Için Ben De Varı ” has been met with a mixed reaction from the Turkish public. Some supporters of Erdoğan have praised the website as a valuable tool, and others have criticized the site as too propagandistic and also, potentially influencing voters’ decisions.

  • Supporters of Erdoğan have argued that a website is a necessary tool for reaching out to voters in the digital age. They have also argued that the website is a transparent and honest way for Erdoğan to communicate his vision for Turkey’s future.
  • Critics of Erdoğan have argued that the website is a form of propaganda designed to create a cult of personality around Erdoğan. They have also argued that the website is biased and does not give voters a fair and balanced view of Erdoğan’s candidacy.

Here we mentioned some particular reactions we have collected about the website:


  • “The website is well-designed and easy to use. It’s a great way to get involved in Erdoğan’s campaign.”
  • “I’m glad Erdoğan has a website like this. It’s a great way to stay informed about his campaign.”
  • “This website is a great way to learn more about Erdoğan’s plans for Turkey. It’s also a great way to show your support for Erdoğan.”


  • “The website is biased. It doesn’t give voters a fair and balanced view of Erdoğan’s candidacy.”
  • “This website is a propaganda tool. It’s designed to create a cult of personality around Erdoğan.”
  • “I’m concerned that this website is being used to influence voters’ decisions.”

Future Of Reis Için Ben De Varı

Future Of Reis Için Ben De Varı

Therefore, there are a few possible scenarios for the future of the website:

  1. The website can used for reaching out to voters and promote Erdoğan’s candidacy. Or else to share information about Erdoğan’s policies, campaign promises, and accomplishments. Moreover, it may be to organize events and rallies supporting Erdoğan.
  2. It can also influence voters’ decisions, spread propaganda, and create a cult of personality around Erdoğan. Through this website, they can suppress dissent and silence Erdoğan’s critics.
  3. They can connect Erdoğan with his supporters to create a community of Erdoğan supporters. The website could also collect data on Erdoğan’s supporters and target them with campaign messages.


Hence, the Reis Için Ben De Varı website is an essential part of the digital strategy of Erdogan’s election campaign. The site will reach Erdoğan’s voters and spread campaign messages. It is a non-governmental organization formed by those who support its leaders. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the detailed information and reliability of the site. Thus, website features are designed to reach voters, promote Erdoğan’s candidacy, and build enthusiasm for his campaign.