1. Optimize Your Instagram Account

instagram Before considering how to get followers on Instagram, one of the most important steps is to fully optimize your account. Reason for your brand’s Instagram bio as your account’s “home page”.

Without a bio, captions, real username, or profile picture, how are people supposed to know the account is your brand? It may seem clear, but on Instagram, your bio and image form the basis of your brand identity. In addition, the link in your bio is your lone place to energy Instagram traffic to your site, so enhancing your account is vital.

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If you’re unsure where to link, try advertising or product pages connected to specific keywords, hashtags, or movements on your Instagram. Linking to your home sheet is fine, but why not give operators a cohesive experience when they go from your bio to a website? This has led to the admiration of IG Link mooring pages, which include relevant links to the newest pieces of content mentioned in a brand’s feed and “link in bio” posts that help drive audiences to those links.

2. Keep A Consistent Content Calendar

The nastiest thing you can do when trying to get followers on Instagram is to post content at random, random times. Then, when you’re lucky enough to have users following you from the start, you don’t want them to forget that they followed you in the first place.

To counter this, stick to a regular posting schedule. Normally, brands should post no more than a few times a day to avoid spam, but whatever your cadence, keep it consistent. Approximately 200 million Instagram users log in daily. So, to further widen your net, try posting multiple times throughout the day.


In fact, our research on the best times to post on Instagram highlights the best times to post across multiple industries, or you can follow our research on the best times across all subject areas below:

3. Plan Instagram Posts In Advance

While the Instagram procedure has changed to show users more content they like, posting at the right time can still give your posts more visibility by increasing the overall engagement they receive.

There are many belongings your brand can do to increase visibility, and with Sprout Social, Instagram content planning is now one of them. With our latest tools, we can help your brand plan content through a simple process.

By planning content ahead of time, your entire team can view campaigns and schedules more efficiently. It’s always smart to create content in loan, and our Instagram scheduling tools help you reach your audience while maintaining a steady stream of content.

4. Get Partners And Brand Ambassadors To Publish Your Content

When learning how to get more Insta followers, it’s important to know the value of your audience. The higher your number of (organic) followers, the more buyers and absorbed clienteles you will must.

The best way to get clienteles to follow you is to face them and be present. It is important to be present both on your own Instagram and on others. Try backing user-generated content to get your brand featured in customer feeds. You can also run Instagram contests to win your brand

make it accessible to a wider audience. These types of movements build social proof by presentation that your fans have invested enough to repost your gratified or create their own UGC.