
As of today, the price of the Hashtrust token is $0.00000407.

However, Hashtrust’s latest market cap, 24-hour volume, and market cap range are unknown.

The Hashtrust token price reached an all-time high of $0.00332 four months ago. Over the last day, the Hashtrust token price had a transparent volume of 0% and traded on two active markets.

Since April 6, 2021, the Hashtrust token price has risen from $0.00000183 to $0.00008523 and has reached lows of $0.00000001.

Hashtrust is the first project that aims to develop fully decentralized cloud mining by producing HTX and ERC20 tokens that store hash power and expand over time, with 1 billion HTX tokens on the Ethereum network distributed.

Hashtrust is an ICO but also a fully functional mining site. The purpose of the ICO is to raise enough funds to create a smart contract that will do what the website is doing now, but in a decentralized way. This means that contracts and mining do their work on the blockchain and cannot be changed by the creator or anyone else.

It  reports that 1,000,000,000 HTX are available; Once mining is complete, you can only buy/sell tokens.

A Hashtrust founder explained that he enjoys the joys of cloud mining while he owns a small farm and said that it is a pleasure to use the web interface to interact with his miner and watch the numbers grow. However, this was perceive as insecure and prone to fraud, so he decide to create something better. This “fun” little project could be the future of cloud mining, forcing big mining companies to decentralize.

One investor commented that many ICOs and airdrops he had previously participated in were useless as some airdrops are extremely confusing and others are worthless. However, Hashtrust is one of the tokens that he thinks he has successfully won. You can now officially retire and take action. He said that the only difficult aspect is earning this token when you are just starting out.

As the daily tap is only 25 HTX per day.

You have some alternatives to increase your earnings. One option is to download the Brave browser. So you can get 1000 HTX and your earnings will accelerate. Although this mining is done manually, it only takes a minute of your time every day.