Why we Remain Excited to launch the first DLT trading Bio Network for Corporate Bonds

Dlt Trading, Today marks an exciting day in the Ledger Edge journey. Our platform is now available with the UK pilot. It’s been an exciting journey getting here. After 22 months of backbreaking work and support from the team, our clients, our partners, and regulators, we are now the world’s first regulated distributed ledger trading platform for corporate bonds, running at institutional speed and open to investors. Business.

It Remains an Incredibly Important Milestone for the Industry.

Credit markets are at a significant crossroads of digital transformation that has already reached other asset classes. We are a company that has been two years, but this idea has been a proof of concept for about half a decade. When we dreamed of institutional applications of digital technology, we knew that corporate bonds were a market ripe for disruption. This is no longer a dream; There has been a lot of hype around DLT and its capabilities versus legacy technology, but this is a real-world solution and is already available.

A Vast (But In Part Hugely Illiquid) Market,

corporate bonds desperately need a transformative solution to solve the challenges of finding and promoting liquidity. On top of that, with DLT, we can address another fundamental issue: data ownership, which is intrinsically related to the liquidity issue. Until Ledger Edge, technology has not been available to facilitate the exchange of pre-trade and conditional data to avoid unnecessarily compromising sensitive information or economic control. We believe we have found a way to incentivize data transparency and more data-backed operations. We are confident that our end users on both the buy and sell sides will see better opportunities and execution.

Customer Engagement and Feedback

have been a critical part of how we built our ecosystem. Our clients are the best in the world. They came with us on the journey, through individual conversations, workgroups, and now on the onboarding journey. This remains an exciting new phase in our unique and collaborative approach: the market knows we need a system that aligns incentives and operates more effectively and logically. We want to thank those pioneering participants for being integral to our development.

We will continue to collaborate as volume grows and as we develop the product, and we will expand to more jurisdictions in the US, Europe, and beyond. Our team has spent their careers immersed in the electronic fixed income markets, and we know that the potential for new technologies, such as DLT, to improve market structure is immense and just beginning.

Who knows What the Future will Bring Beyond Credit?

Things are looking exciting, and platforms like ours are ready to support the exciting growth of electrification across asset classes and digital systems of record. Our intelligent contract capability can help expand into new institutional markets with compliance, regulation, and certainty of outcomes. Working with the best clients in the business, we are seeing the birth of digitization of needs at the institutional end of the spectrum.

We are incredibly proud of what we have achieved, and our ambition is nothing less than to be the best DLT-powered trading ecosystem in the world.


Distributed ledger technology (DLT) is a digital system for recording the transaction of assets in which the transactions and their details are recorded in multiple places at the same time.

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